
Upload files for print

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Prefer to email your job? Send files to

Please include: your company name, your name, phone number (preferably office & mobile), due time, pick up or delivery, and job details. Thank you!

Upload files through Quick Form

Don't have a DirectFTP login, and need to upload files after hours? Use our Quick Form, and we will contact you during opening hours to discuss your project requirements.

Upload files to our online project collaboration software

How do I login?

Email us your files


Prefer to email your job?
Send files to

Please include: your company name, your name, phone number, due time, pickup or delivery, & job details. Thank you!

“I have had great service with you and your staff. It is fantastic to have personal attention from you and whenever there are miscommunications they are dealt with promptly. Your staff is always more than accommodating to our needs. The quality of the end product is better than what we receive from your competitors. Please give you and your staff a pat on the back for how well you make us look.”

Sean Hemenway (Ashley Pryce Interior Design)

All Testimonials

TR Trades Reproduction Ltd.

1744 West 4th Avenue, Vancouver BC

Mon to Thurs 7:30am to 9:00pm
Friday 7:30am to 5:30pm
Saturday 9:00am to 5:00pm
After hours printing available!